Friday 16thJune 2017
Still motoring in light headwinds, with patchy fog around since first light this morning. .. At midday, a weak sun is struggling out and Isla Santa Magdalena and the Baja mountains behind can just be made out...
It's chilly! Sea temp dropped from 28C in San Jose to 15C now, so no wonder we've had fog!
Had good sessions on HF radio last night & this morning - nice to have use of radio again after my repairs but I never know if 20m band will work OK - was perfect last night on Pacific Seafarers' Net!
Sea is glassy-smooth surfaced but a good 2m W swell is coming in from out in Pacific.
The other boats heading N are not far away, mostly ahead. Some are making for Turtle Bay, others for Asuncion.
I'm making for San Juanico - also an overnight passage but shorter. I've only ever been to Bahias Magdalena, Santa Maria or Tortuga on previous trips along this Baja coast, so it will b e nice to visit what, by all accounts, is a very pleasant place before moving on to Asuncion soon, if winds allow...
Just about to post this and I suddenly noticed my wind info has disappeared. .. a new problem to deal with... The instrument was newly replaced in February in San Diego..... Damn!! More electrical connections to check out....
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