Isla San Francisco. Mon 8th May. Tom& Maggie paddled the kayak to shore with me as passenger. Good snorkelling today -plenty of different fish and lovely shells on beach. Pairs of oystercatchers and pelicans, a small grebe, three vultures, lots of gulls and sandpipers. Lovely fish dinner tonight , thanks to close neighbour Roger, on Jasmin, who caught (& cleaned) some trigger fish for us. Tomorrow, we'll sail to San Evaristo & then find a new overnight anchorage somewhere.
Wed 10th May A lovely week in the Sea of Cortez not far from La Paz. Several days anchored off Isla San Francisco followed by a trip to explore Baja's Cabeza de Machudo and San Evaristo, passing two huge rafts of grebes on the way North to Nopolo, before returning S to the NE bay off Isla S.F. for protection from a strong overnight West wind. Beautiful rock colours and formations everywhere, complemented by pale sandy beaches and clear blue sky.
Presently en joying Bahia Balandra before returning to La Paz for my friends' flight back to Vancouver tomorrow. It has been great to have good company on Nereida!