Last night speed dropped to just under 4kt and and the same is happening tonight at times.
6:30am - Up for weather fax download. Unfurled full genoa and speed increased to 4.2kt in ENE wind with sun shining through light broken cloud layer.
Had some good radio contacts today. Monitored 10m (28540 kHz) from 2230Z and then 15m (21280 kHz) from 0000Z. 10m didn't seem to work too well but had several contacts on 15m in early afternoon - Japan, Jamaica, Australia as well as the usual USA stations plus others.
Speed down by mid-afternoon and on into the night. Doubt we'll have decent wind until we're further N. Should we passage through reef on Friday,
to go - if we're not becalmed before then!Saw a frigate bird high up yesterday - very distinctive, unmistakeable outline. Hoping to see some Pacific Albatross soon - they breed on small islands in the atolls ahead as well as in places on the Hawaiian Islands.
24hr DMG to 2300GMT: Strait of Juan de Fuca:; Midway Island: (327T); Kauai: (089T); Hawaii: (097T)
From: KC2IOV/MM by HF radio. Copied by Jim, WB2REM, Port St. Lucie, FL