After leaving Clarion Island yesterday evening, as the sun was setting, it was good to know that not only was the genoa now fully in possession of two sheets, but the solar panels were a lot cleaner than since the boobies had begun roosting on board in significant numbers, the pole was raised to starboard, ready for use today, and the Hydrovane was ready also.
Today was a good day of quite fast (often 6.5-7kt or more) sailing in increased swell giving a lot of rolling while wing on wing - or 'goose-winged' as we Brits normally say!
I celebrated my success at Clarion Island tonight with freshly-made ratatouille (need to use up fresh produce before it goes off), accompanied by a nice steak and a small glass of red wine. Very enjoyable!
Position at 0115Z on 10th May (i.e. 1725 PST on 9th May) was 16 43N 116 34W,speed (SOG) 6.4kt, course (COG) 228T, wind 13kt from NE, swell 2.5m from NNE